28 November 2009


i-swear-i-don't-care-where-you-put-yr-mouth top ten:

1. what does a nervous breakdown mean to you?
2. out of sight, out of my mind
3. he was conceived under mr. yuck
4. ordo templi orientis, what's the difference?
5. needless, heedless; sweating next to you
6. going back for the same reasons one went forward
7. 'i guess i like sad songs, they make me lie on the floor.'
8. close to you like water & the leaking basement walls
9. believe in emotional post-scarcity!
10. 'the worst of new york is everything is stacked...'

return to the world where cats are people, or stay where people are cats?

21 November 2009

'are you camping on yr blog?'

very recent 'notable-quotables' top ten:

1. 'i just want to be one of the skulls on brion gysin's shoulders.' -young wil adams
2. 'the worst part about him; he's a jazz guy.' -rachelle tews
3. 'there are legit-ass NYHC dudes here.' - adam whites
4. [on lap dances] 'well, i think that might be the weirdest thing i have ever heard.' -carrie schaff
5. 'does he know that your vagina looks like an all-seeing eye?' - carrie schaff
6. 'usually i don't have stage stories, but today i had to cut a middle-schooler out of a locker.' -robin stein
7. 'we met in a bathhouse, at the glory hole. i was fifth in line.' -butch richardson
8. '...and then i shared a joint with grace slick.' - david stebbins
9. [on his future sister-in-law] 'she told me that she heard i was gay. she told me that she thought that was really wild.' -matt lifson
10.[on writing lyrics] 'video games really help. i'm not saying i'm the next walt whitman.' -morgan henderson

atavistically manifesting all that is bleak, but there is luminance, undeniably.

03 November 2009

short hands

endless after hours top ten:

1. how many burritos?
2. weekend getaways are in yr budget
3. losing sight of our txt morphology
4. pragmatic pain dispersion
5. casual causality; see also: 'why does it have to be all or nothing?'
6. it is not you, it is me.
7. practical application of the solar anus
8. 'make my skin into drumheads for the bohemian cause.'
9. the discussion never ended for me or me or me(or me)
10. the content of one's days is contentious during a countdown

are you proud of an army? who will you tell?


things of the recent past

about me

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seize us by the hand.