02 July 2010


woke up missing julia top ten:

1. frumpiest creepiest freakiest crunchiest mami
2. YO, EHM.
3. 'dogs are weird, they're not like cats.'
4. a move back east to be yr queen
5. 2008 myspace lurking(secretz out)
6. uncontrollable cellular happy hysteria
7. 'but he will have to wear heels to be me?'
8. empathetic darkness in slop, sludge, tears & trucks
9. pre- and post-conscious hand holding
10. reaching towards yr cabin window & proudly calling yr name

light && wonder && greatness radiate from you, we all hope you know and, also, understand. {xoxo}

two-dimensional projection of completely visceral luv by vincent victor royale

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