25 October 2010

i hope yr listening.

completely positive things about ten different people top ten:

1. store-front daydreams: yr growing up so right, alright?
2. mystical pop star paparazzi: tapping into my digi-vid spirituality
3. sacred departure festivus planner: vert's keeping me safe, hope yee can transcend my 'net negativity && pick up my astral warmth
4. wyz womyn of y'urp: ye'll truly never walk alone again//ying yang guitar strap symbolism
5. young jerry seinfeld: saving up a million jokes to tell yi upon my return
6. photographic muse trying 2 get east: constantly inspired, excited to witness yr symmetrical year
7. leather daddy old lady: wild island brave-womyn "I AM SO PROUD"
8. hotmail rail king: don't know how else 2 tell yi that yr v v vig important 2 me
9. 'class'ic 'instrument'ation: subconscious epistemological roller coaster ride starring you//soo much too much 2 say
10.tiny sacred chip: sell the slap, yr needed on another continent & NOW

an end to the obtuse!TW-S, AF, KMjr, JG, PC, CB, JP, VS, CA, KP: i care a lot all the time and for all time!


yo said...

this is post represents cyborg feminism in a good way

Vinnie Smith said...

Father Preston and I know what tis like to watch Vincent Gallo play, back turned, to 20 interested and listening and confused people and to 10 uninterested and loud-speaking and confused people. It gets "cool" and periphery-real celeb over at the dark and dingy rouge bar, just 4 blocks from nana's. it was a "really heroin" kinda night here in scottsdale.

love you bytches (with y, so it's ok...duh),

sicknik vick


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